Numbo TODO

This is an example of the OPPOSITE of what I'm trying to do! Eh, I'm trying to "develop" a simple (complex tbh) app that aids me in generating mnemonics of numbers, using the Phonetic Number System (AKA Major System)... It should output some "meaningful" English sentences/phrases/words; but to make this trick, I first need to learn how to efficiently implement the following: * A transcription/DoubleMetaphone-like algorithm. (actually to make this "demo", I translated the Apache implementation of DM from Java to JavaScript and heavily edited it; still, it sucks...) * Something like a Markov text generator/scorer (like, the sequence "sweet dreams" is more probable than "sit drama so") * A simple grammar/rule matcher like those in the JS libraries: nlp compromise and {{sentencer}}. (so that "#noun #verb #noun" matches "people love cats") * Maybe I should start by trying to "make" a basic RegEx Engine as they have the same "logic". Perhaps translate the SLRE engine from C to JS? Probably. * Poetry-related stuff scorer: rhyme, alliteration, assonance, consonance, number of syllables, and whatnot! (these make phrases easy to recall, y'all!) * isPassiveVoice? (the active voice is better) * A rudimentary Sentiment Analysis trick (I rather memorize positive phrases ;-;) * Adding some "semantic field, hyponym and hypernym"-ish stuff would be nice OvO (like, wanting to memorize the date of the Algerian agricultural reform or idk to pass my Bac exam: 08-11-1971 > 081171 > SXLLFL > "SuCH LiL FLour ain't enough!", it's like a meaningful sentence that talks about the topic: flour ~ wheat and other cereal grains ~ agriculture... and, yeah, I know, only the first six "consonant sounds" are used) * ... and other stuff. This is like my 2018 TODO list :p